When the leaves change colour and the nights get colder (and darker!), it's a sign to start getting ready to round things up from our wild, crazy summer. I have a love/hate relationship with the autumn season. I love it when the air gets a crisp feeling to it and apples are in season, but I dislike the reminder that summer has officially ended. This time of year is also just as magical for family photos. Family photography has come such a long way from where it once was. Yet, traditional portraiture is still available and it's beginning to make a comeback. But most families prefer the casual, candid style that represents who they are - naturally. The fun part about my photography is that I can work with either style. I am experienced in both types of photography and happy to provide to my clients these family moments that they will enjoy for years to come.
When you compare your family photos as time progresses, it's fascinating to see the changes. From how the kids have grown to how the adults have aged so gracefully. Right down to those moments when everyone has the giggles. The images that are produced from these family sessions are just as fun to share with family, and friends. If you find that your own family is far away and your family connection is rather isolated, remember your friends who you see on a regular basis have their own way of providing that family feeling for you. Even if I mention family sessions here and there. It doesn't have to necessarily define your own flesh and blood. Include your pets, as they too play such a huge part of your life. Having a photo session with just your friends can be so much fun, and it brings you all that much closer together. Don't forget the good ole holiday card. If you have elderly members in your life, a print of your family portrait to them is one of the greatest gifts you can provide and pictures bring them such happiness. Don't forget your workplace. Whether you have a desk, a locker - it shows to your co-workers who you are outside the workplace. When you've had a bad day, you can always look back at it and remember the love in the picture that has been captured for you and let it put a smile to your face. It's what family pictures are meant to do.

Thanksgiving dinner at my home must include Pumpkin Pie - or else!
So when you sit down to your Thanksgiving dinner, just before you dive into that delicious piece of pumpkin pie (or whatever your guilty pleasure is during this Thanksgiving weekend). Be thankful for those who surround your life with love and to those who are always there for you.

Happy Thanksgiving!