Whenever I have a session, I get knots in my stomach but I try to keep them small with my self confidence. These knots are caused by the unknowing of how the session will go. I believe many photographers feel the same way when their subjects can be unpredictable.
With brides and babies, they go through many behavioural changes throughout their session and it's up to the photographers to keep things easy, happy and comfortable!
Before the baby arrives, I set up my studio so it's comfortable not only for Mom and Dad, but for baby too! From my white noise machine to the space heater and yes my heated floors (they really are worth every penny)! Plus I keep the parents happy with gentle music, comfortable seating arrangements and a fridge stocked with drinks and snacks - plus Wifi.
When Baby B. arrived, she looked so sweet in her car seat. As her parents presented her to me, she opened her eyes and didn't fuss. I undressed her ever so gently and still - no fuss! Wrapped her up in my usual swaddle and handed her off to Mom to fill her tummy before we began.
Once the session was underway, she slept the whole time and...
Most babies wake up and fuss or cry when they're being adjusted and moved around. It's normal and I usually have no problems settling them down.
For this baby I was in such complete awe over how she allowed me to adjust her and pose her.
We even accomplished the very advanced Froggy pose!
Baby B's parents were amazed too! I could hear them gush over how cute she looked with every pose and I LOVE IT when the parents do that. To me, that is my applause and it's so heart warming and encouraging. Her Dad was quite engaged with our progress and he made an excellent assistant. Thanks again Dad!
If you have seen my studio, you may or may not notice there is a rather large NHL Toronto Maple Leafs framed artwork in my feature wall behind the backdrop. Frankly, I find it quite embarrassing because I am a flames fan. So why is it in my house? It belongs to my husband who is a HUGE leafs fan. The basement studio was once a lair for poker nights, hockey games and hot tub parties - this was before our kids arrived. Time evolves, pastimes change and yet, the NHL memorabilia remains.
Okay Tam, back to Baby B. (I distract so easily!). Baby B's parents saw my sport jersey photos and they LOVED them. So they brought their jersey to the session. Well you can imagine the look of happiness on the Dad's face when he saw my studio! The Leafs tribute became quite the conversation starter. Then the parents showed me this tiny little infant sized Leafs Jersey. The minute I saw it, I knew just what to create. Not only did the parents love this creation; their little darling girl posed perfectly for it!
I'm sure this will warm the heart of any hockey fan!
At some point, I did have to let Baby B. go home. I didn't want her to because she was so perfect in every way. I wanted her to stay so I could practice and try other poses and props.
Alas, all good things must come to an end (sigh).
Someday, another baby will come along and they won't cry or fuss like Baby B. did. Until then, she remains the most magical baby I have ever had to grace my studio!
Thanks for joining me today and reading my blog - I greatly appreciate it!
Coming Up Soon! Major transformations coming to the studio. Out with the old and in with the new!
Big changes and little changes are happening all around the place.